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Marketing, Branding
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Branding in construction: intelligently build your company's DNA

"You are for me, the wind has told me so, you are for me, I hear it all the time…"

Translate of Julieta Venegas song

Yes, you hummed it, and that's fine, that is "good branding". A catchy and fun tune plays in the background, immersing us in a story of encounters and misunderstandings: the famous and acclaimed "I Don't see you but I feel you're There". Whether you want to or not, when things are inescapable, there is no escaping what is meant to be, and even more so if it is coldly calculated.

With enchanting and magical gadgets, branding behaves as the starter pack of every company that seeks to stand out and acquire a differential against the rest of the competition. Moreover, the ecosystem belonging to the real estate and construction business is the perfect place to apply strategies that provide organic and effective recognition between customers and their favorite products.

Branding has the particularity of involving various tactics from the Marketing the marketing area to connect brands with their target audience through the creation of a complete experience. It involves not only visual aspects such as a unique typography or a color but also the whole behind the sceneswhich has to do with the unconscious message that the firm intends to convey. 

Defined more formally, we can say that branding is the process of creation, construction, maturation, and strategic development of a brand. It is a constant circuit - one might even add philosophical - in which a company's objectives are susceptible to being molded to perpetuate its permanence over time.

This is possible through the introspective work that the marketing team must work on, determining and establishing the brand's identity, its purpose in this world, and more. We can get this conclusion by answering the following questions: who am I, what is my mission, what are my values, and what is my target audience? 

Jeff Bezos, CEO of the e-commerce company Amazon, famously stated that "branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room". How true is this? Let's see…

The brand promise 

One of the biggest ambitions in the branding exercise is total control of what people say and what they don't say about a company. That is why not only marketing specialists participate in this process, but also the consumers themselves who attach their perceptions, inaugurating brand meanings minute by minute. Of course, these actions are the fruit of the consciousness of the human mind.

By the way, the movie starring Will Smith and Margot Robbie under the name "Focus" in one of its scenes alludes precisely to this phenomenon we mentioned: the professional swindler -Smith- is in charge of "programming" the mind of the bettor through the identification and repetition of the number 55. Finally, the latter opted for the target number, and the character played by Smith achieved his goal.

The construction universe, without any problem, has everything to gain to use the strategies that generate a promise of value and commitment to loyal and potential customers. This is about establishing a connection, firstly emotional and secondly rational, to communicate to them that the company is what they are looking for if they are undecided.

The question is whether the pieces that contain the corporate proposal fit perfectly with the pieces that bring with them people's impressions. Are you looking for good quality materials at the best price for your home or business? My company is your solution.

Elements that can't be missing in your branding strategy

  1. The tone of voice: your brand must differentiate itself from others in a unique way.
  2. Quality: it's better to make little relevant content than to elaborate tactics of little consistency that only destroy the relationship with your stakeholders.
  3. Relevance: if your message lacks values that people are free to identify with, it's meaningless. Taking advantage of the meeting points with your audience is the smartest option.
  4. Consistency: it's recommended to insist and remind customers that you are there, marking your presence, otherwise you could run the risk of disappearing.
  5. Opportunity: the context is key to defining communication channels and times that will favor a successful reception of your business DNA.

Tips for improving your branding strategy

In case you are an architect, civil engineer, interior designer, or real estate company looking for good positioning and that also intends to establish a close dialogue with your audience, pay attention to the following branding recommendations:

  • Make sure to have a clear, eye-catching, recognizable logo that matches the message your brand wants to convey.
  • Don't forget that a good slogan is one of the best ways to communicate what makes you different from the rest, favoring your presence in the visual and auditory memory of your audience.
  • Establish communication channels that facilitate your contact number and social networks.
  • Join the wonderful world of advertising and complete the Google business listing to promote your construction company easily. This will ensure the attraction of a large number of customers.
  • Try to have a website that contains all the necessary and detailed information about your products and services with the help of audiovisual productions. You can also include a blog with quality content that not only sells but also informs your audience about the benefits and utilities you can offer.