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The 6 bases of the collaborative work methodology

When people are open to collaborating on different projects, alchemy improves productivity and creativity in the company.

Innovation is possible because each participant contributes ideas from knowledge and experience. 

For collaborative dynamics to be fluid, it is necessary to go step by step with an organization that structures each intervention.

The six bases in the process of team collaboration are:

1- Basis of recognition:

 how to work as a team for efficiency and speed

If an individual performs a task with expertise, it is probably to achieve the objective. On the other hand, if you work with partners, the work can be richer in content and innovation.

The different experiences and points of view feed the project, bringing value and speed to the project.

If each person is willing to collaborate and share the same objective, the work achieves into practices the collaborative methodology in all its bases.

In teams, there is a synthesis of experiences, different perspectives, and unique ideas. One person's perspective challenges another's and opens a discussion, and by reaching an agreement, project goals are advanced.

The success of a company or organization translates into people working together as a team, either remotely or face-to-face, which can achieve better results and create more impact than working individually.

2- Communication base:

the importance of working in teams with connection and trust

A team with good communication, where each person practices active listening and contributes from their knowledge and experience, manages to connect with each other and achieve results and common goals.

To establish a positive connection, each person must feel safe and confident to give their opinions and emotions while playing an important role.

A dynamic that allows effective group collaboration and incorporates the playful experience, where people contribute and give their opinion without the pressure of taking an exam, feeling it as a game where no one loses, and everyone wins. 

A Google research regarding collaborative teams concluded that while psychological safety was essential, trust was a critical aspect of teams for high performance.

Building trust is a task that requires respect, asking questions, answering doubts, and keeping the work of each member and the group organized.

The success of a project is born from integrating ideas, not imposing them.

3- Commitment base:.

the team's commitment to collaborative work 

Each idea is a solution, and decisions are made that contribute to the common cause of the team.

With mutual respect you can achieve great things and achieve beneficial objectives for the entire company and for each individual. 

With a solid foundation made of commitment and trust, the team achieves actualization by pursuing its purpose, creating together, and making an impact.

At this level, the synergy of a group goes beyond the capacity of what any individual could accomplish alone.

No one likes to feel that they are doing all the work alone or notice that their work has gone overlooked.

In the daily and weekly reports, in addition to communicating progress or doubts, you should help by providing clarity and solutions to problems, thus setting the stage for recognition, which influences the team's commitment.

Working with an innovative mind requires seeing problems as learning and growth opportunities. Developing any project with an optimistic attitude makes a difference. The amount of ideas generated is better, and the work experience improves.

4- Basis of the environment:

collaborative environments in work groups

A successful project achieves in collaborative workspaces in optimal conditions.

The commonplace, whether physical, digital, or a combination of both, provides what is necessary for good communication and connection between people. 

The office is an obsolete solution because there are too many distractions, and setbacks can cause slow performance.

Most workers in technology fields for several years now prefer to work remotely.

Use the online tools available for team organization and communication.

The use of file sharing helps remote teams connect.

Platforms designed for organizations bring agility to online work.

Collaborative teams must have a meaningful or complex purpose to benefit from collaboration.

A brand launch campaign, a branding and marketing study, web development, or the creation of a new service or product; requires a group of people working together who are specialists in each area.

The passion for working together dies when a task becomes a group one, considering that not every project is collaborative.

It is advisable to keep a team of people with few members (up to 6), work better since each individual is essential, and the dynamic becomes faster.

Time is another factor to regulate within the collaborative environment.

The most productive experiences have synchronous and asynchronous times.

If the time a project takes is managed with intention, valuing the contributions of each team member and the time invested in achieving the goals, deadlinesyou will know you are doing right.

In collaborative remote worker environments, the time differs for everyone. You can work in a team from different time zones and geographical distances, thanks to flexibility and organization.

Routine causes stagnation in innovation

Don't always assign the same projects to the same people: mix them up for better results. 

Collaboration is not just delegation or task assignment. Assigning projects as a break from the same old, interspersing themes and structures influences more creative collaboration.

What projects and co-workers could benefit from a fresh perspective on collaboration?

5- Organizational base:

leadership and management of collaborative teams

Identify individual strengths in the collaborative environment while keeping an open mind.

To promote collaboration, form teams with people who complement each other.

Discerning which team member can contribute to which others and vice versa, with the appropriate tasks that adapt to their skills, is an important factor to put into play.

Let your team know that their efforts are not taken for granted.

With realistic expectations and clear objectives, the team can focus more on tasks and decision-making.

The group works with the opportunity to share ideas, receive feedback, support ideas, and have a clear picture of objectives.

Clarify objectives to each team member considering their roles, responsibilities, learning needs, and expectations.

Collaboration helps people learn from each other

Managing workgroups requires a vocation for integration, a deep desire to communicate goals and objectives in order to achieve them, and turn your work into a benefit that has value. 

The general objective of any team is to have a common point of view on growth and valuation.

6- Measurement basis:

evaluate and analyze the results of team collaboration.

To improve, you need to know what is failing and what is working.

Measure data responsibly, respect privacy, and test the effectiveness of collaboration.

It helps spot trends in design and content, promotes organization, and provides insight into how collaborative work impacts the business and how to improve.

Increase creative output by giving your team as much freedom as possible, but that doesn't mean they'll lose sight of the goals. In the process of knowing the impact, we have to ask about its objective, and how we measure results, there is an equal commitment in the group.

Working together with the team in a productive way by giving them a common objective and achievable goals encourages collaboration and creativity.

Perform periodic measurements and analyze the results

Some marketing strategies require months to see goals achieved and usually provide long-term benefits. Others may receive measurable results in the short term and require constant updates. Collaborative teamwork allows your company to grow, if you apply this methodology and are looking for a facilitator to guide you in a personalized way, contact uswe are here to collaborate.