
You've landed in Digital Solutions Development Lab

ACTIVATE WITH LAB9. We create custom websites and mobile applications to position your brand in the online universe. We've a software development team ready to take your ideas to the next level.

Our Capsules

Mobile Applications



WordPress Sites

How We Create


To improve our customers' experience, we incorporate the four pillars of the Agile Manifesto into our workflow:
- Interaction between people above processes and tools.
- Software in operation above exhaustive documentation.
- Collaboration with the customer above contractual negotiation.
- Adaptation to change above adherence to a plan.

5 stages = 1 product 100% scalable

1 Discover

We research the target audience to obtain information about their behavior, desires, and needs. We start running the first market tests.

2 Define

We collect data to determine the challenges and prioritize them according to their priority and liquidity. We then assign the project to the specialized team to undertake a proof of concept (PoC) to diagnose if the idea is feasible.

3 Design

We devise and co-create the prototype with User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) to visualize the archetype that leads us to the final phase. We focus on obtaining adaptable digital solutions. Agile work is maintained to facilitate modifications and immediate interaction with customers.

4 Develop

We project the finished MVP (Minimum Viable Product) from an optimal design and functionality. Through the implementation of testing, we measure the quality assurance of the product for 99% perfect deliveries. Once this step has passed, the market launch plan is ready.

5 Iterate

The remaining 1% comes from the feedback expected from the customer/users to continue improving and updating the new product versions.



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