
You've landed in Branding + Digital Marketing Lab

INSPIRE WITH LAB9. Because every brand has a great story to tell. We offer the best digital tools to promote your company through content tailored to your audiences. We've the best marketing team ready to take your ideas to the next level.

Our Capsules


Community Management

Content Marketing

How We Create


To improve our customers' experience, we incorporate the four pillars of the Agile Manifesto into our workflow:
- Interaction between people above processes and tools.
- Software in operation above exhaustive documentation.
- Collaboration with the customer above contractual negotiation.
- Adaptation to change above adherence to a plan.


2 stages = the perfect marketing plan

Stage 0: Stategic Analysis/Rebranding


We study the history and DNA of the brand through a SWOT analysis to detect pain and gain points. We define the ideal target and the purposes.

Apply SMART objectives

We set concrete goals to analyze the performance of our tasks systematically.


We analyze digital communication channels within the brand to design strategies. We also propose budgets for advertising campaigns.


Rebranding will be responsible for the aesthetic according to the values that the brand wants to communicate.

Stage 1: Social Media Management

Designing visual graphic pieces

We create the best designs based on the branding proposal presented.

Monthly content calendar

We plan the calendar to organize the days and establish the ideal time to publish content.

Manage social networks

We carry out posts, stories, surveys, games, and other interactive proposals between the brand and its stakeholders.

Execute advertising campaigns

Based on the information gathered from Stage 0, we create guidelines aligned with the objectives and segmentation.

Deliver monthly/bi-monthly reports/statistics

Our monthly and bi-monthly work culminates with reports that show the statistical analysis between the account interaction and its advertising guidelines.

1 Research

To develop a brand system in line with the objectives, we first define the buyer persona and the brand attributes while performing benchmarking actions to analyze the competition. After that, we inaugurate the first concepts based on clear, feasible, and measurable objectives through KPIs.

2 Propose

This is one of the most strategic phases of the branding process in which we provide the client with several value propositions that reflect every communicational aspect of the new brand: brand concept, brand promise, attributes, tone of voice, messages, diffusion channels, strategies, and more.

3 Build

Our high levels of creativity lead us to design the best and most striking visual proposals: hand in hand with the established points, the brand starts to come to life thanks to typography with its personality and a customized chromatic palette.

4 Deliver

We proceed to finalize details and make the final delivery of the brand manual.


4 weeks = 1 unique brand



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