
From natural gas to cutting-edge technology: migrating towards digitization

What we do
With more than 573,000 users in the northwest region of Argentina, Gasnor presents itself as a leading natural gas distributor. It is a brand belonging to the Naturgy group, which has an international presence in more than 20 countries. The company's operations include more than 12,000 km of networks and gas pipelines with at least 250 regulating stations. Its business model is based on the application of sustainable innovation for development.

The challenge

Remote paperwork management by customers.

The solution

We developed a workshop on Design Sprint to determine how the migration would be carried out together with the definition of the objectives: communicate the initiative in the form of a "cascade" to the entire organization chart, identify the stakeholders, reduce technical failures during the digitization process and Lastly, getting collaborators to play an active role within the plan. The first steps consisted of gathering ideas and challenges in the “How Could We” -How Might We- format, based on a structured conversation with leading experts in the area. Later we went on to visualize the customer journey designed together with the entire team -more than 40 people participated-. Later, the creative process began, in which the participants must propose innovative ideas. They were voted based on the digitization objective, different prototypes were created and then tested with real users.

The result

The analyzes revealed that users had a propensity of 80% towards digital tools when resolving their efforts with the company. The prototype that obtained the best results was further refined during this last stage, and then presented a better performance in relation to its functions and responsiveness to customers. If you were interested in this project, visit our website to find out more details and other success stories from our clients.

Resumen del proyecto


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Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Carlos Amín
IT and Technology Assistant Manager @Gasnor
In Lab9 they gave us a new tool to analyze problems and be able to get closer to the solutions. We liked the fact of being able to put together interdisciplinary teams to find solutions together.

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