Grupo roma

Sustainable urban development with agile methodologies

What we do
Grupo Roma is a real estate company based in Santa Fe (Argentina) that specializes in the projection and execution of works with a triple impact: social, economic and environmental. Under the ideal of designing a better world, the group seeks to generate communities of high value and autonomy through innovation applied to projects.

The challenge

With more than 3,000 lots developed and 15 projects in the portfolio, the company noted a very important growth at the organizational level. During the last few years, the increase in collaborators was inversely proportional to the levels of information that were handled internally. In this way, internal and external processes reported some weakness due to poor management.

The solution

In response to the organizational concerns of the company, we decided to implement customized capsules on a particular agile methodology: TRD (Rapid Decision Making). We started by carrying out an onboarding to level the participants with respect to the computer tools that we were going to use during the workshop. Subsequently, we invited the collaborators to define the positive and negative actions that were being carried out within the organization, and then focus on the negative aspects. In this way, we try to transform those pain points into gain points as opportunities. This is how, for each opportunity, various possible solutions were drawn up through a digital board. The next step consisted of prioritizing the best solutions and analyzing them using a matrix that measured the impact/effort of each one. This is how we arranged to develop three concrete actions or steps for each solution. The TRD methodology, derived from the Design Sprint, was applied in each of the areas and business units, from management to the HR department, in order to explore current challenges and propose viable team solutions.

The result

After having given a successful workshop, we were able to contribute our agile grain of sand within the organization in pursuit of facilitating process management and decision-making. The results were clear: decision-making time was reduced by 50%, visibly mending one of the most important failures: communication and effectiveness in work meetings.

Resumen del proyecto


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Lorem ipsum
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Lab9 Digital Agency
Pablo Belardinelli
Managing Director @Gruporoma
We show disconnection within each area, and between areas. We were able to generate a connection between the teams in a common focus, which was something that cost; and develop a proactive and productive view of conflicts by exposing them as constraints. We highlight the predisposition and conceptual clarity.

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